
ProductLogz Alternatives

Compare Productlogz with other feedback management tools
canny logo

ProductLogz vs Canny

An affordable alternative to Get all the features you need to collect & manage customer feedback for a fraction of the price.
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productplan logo

ProductLogz vs ProductPlan

The best alternative to ProductPlan. Get all the features you need to collect & manage user feedback and make product roadmaps  & publish changelogs
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frill logo

ProductLogz vs Frill

The best alternative to Frill. Get all the features you need to collect & manage user feedback, prioritize development and publish changelogs
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featurebase logo

ProductLogz vs FeatureBase

The best alternative to a limited, costly and a complex feedback platform. FeatureBase is pricey with limited features, can be complex to start with and limited functionalities.
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upvoty logo

ProductLogz vs Upvoty

The best alternative to UpVoty. Get all the features you need to collect & manage user feedback, plan roadmaps & publish changelogs.
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loopedin logo

ProductLogz vs LoopedIn

The best alternative to LoopedIn to conduct in-app surveys, track feature requests, publish roadmaps and announce product updates
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Simplifying Feedback & Feature Management for SaaS

Transform Feedback into Results

Easily collect & Prioritize feedback from users. Build & Ship features that Users actually want.