What is the difference between
LoopedIn vs ProductLogz?

What is wrong with LoopedIn?
LoopedIn falls short with higher pricing, limited analytics, and lack of in-app surveys & rewards compared to ProductLogz.

Key Advantages of ProductLogz

1. Cost-Effective: ProductLogz offers more competitive pricing, especially for the Pro and Business plans.

2. In-App Surveys: Unlike LoopedIn, ProductLogz provides unlimited in-app surveys to conduct user research across all plans.

3. Advanced Analytics: ProductLogz offers comprehensive analytics, including detailed survey analytics.

4. Support: Users have often complained about the inadequate support offered by LoopedIn. ProductLogz Team is pro-active and provides quicker resolution and turn around.

5. Limits: ProductLogz offers higher limits on team members, workspaces and active surveys. You can use one app with multiple workspaces, if you have a suite of products

6. Intuitive UI: Productlogz offers the best in design and intuitive UI as compared to other products in this space

ProductLogz not only provides more features at a lower price point but also includes essential tools like in-app surveys and advanced analytics, making it a more comprehensive solution for businesses looking to manage user feedback and product roadmaps effectively.

Comparison table LoopedIn vs ProductLogz

Here's why ProductLogz excels over LoopedIn for managing customer feedback, with added features



Generic Interface
Tailored for customer feedback
Lacks Multiple workspaces
Multiple workspaces to manage feedback from suite of products
Limited team members access
Generous access to team members across all plans
Custom Domain not available in starter plan
Custom domain available in starter plan
Support might be slower, acn take more than week to respond
Responsive & quick support
Can be buggy most of the times
Bug-free application with seamless & intuitive UI
Lacks built-in in-app survey functionality
Allows for seamless in-app feedback collection

Overflowing with useful features

Powerful, self-serve product and feedback collection & management software to help you convert, engage, and retain more users.

Collect & Manage Feature requests

Collect & manage feature feature requests in a single place. Priotize development basis the most upvotes and comments

Build & share public product roadmaps

Keep your users informed of the upcoming developments with shareable public product roadmaps & changelogs

Satisfaction Surveys

Validate product & features built with in-app satisfaction surveys and in depth analytics

Announce Product Updates

Announce product updates with widgets and publish changelogs to close the feedback loop and keep your users updated
Dashboard mockupiPhone mockup
Simplifying Feedback & Feature Management for SaaS

Transform Feedback into Results

Easily collect & Prioritize feedback from users. Build & Ship features that Users actually want.